
The Greatest Game - Fifa

A short form narrative film I made with a colleague using a collage style in keeping with the 80’s subject matter to tell the story of one of the greatest games of football in history. 

Personal Project

Like so many people in lockdown I was missing my friends and hobbies, this was the result of some of that pining. 

Personal Project

I wanted to make something where I could explore and develop my C4D skills.  It was so challenging and fun to learn rigging, lighting, and using textures I made among so much else.


BBC Earthlab

I worked on the motion graphics for a number of BBC Earthlab videos, creating original illustrations, based on a brand guideline and putting them into motion.  Entirely in illustrator and after effects. 

Kingston Degree Film

A satirical commentary on the taboos of mental health and how that is communicated through the family dynamic, No Place Like Home premiered at LSFF 2017.